Man on the way towards «Cosmic Consciousness»Have you admired endless miraculous sky, pulsing with cold «cosmic» lights from faraway? Such admiration is endless itself. But afterwards, after this admiration of unearthly beauty and might, didn’t you think: who are you in the endless Universe? Where are the limits of your capabilities and boundaries of your knowledge? Questions, questions, which for centuries worried brightest minds and ordinary people, from the «kindergarten» age of humankind… Structure of spiritual Hierarchy in MetasocmosNoocomology is the science which describes structure of the Universe, based on the works of the Russian Cosmic scholarship (cosmists). In the middle of 1990ths Soviet military specialists not only worked out the possibility of information exchange at the extrasensorial level (technology of «metacontact»), but confirmed the ideology of great Russian cosmists. Developing their ideology, engaging leading Russian and soviet scientists, the military specialists came closer to the bases of modern science, which is named Noocosmology. Spirits, soul and consciousnessA man is a creature, which is supposedly good and multitudinary. Like a sponge, man is sucking everything — positive and negative; filters this and leaves what is akin to his soul. This layer builds his knowledge stock, memory and interests. What physicists observed behind the exotic phenomenonIn the beginning of 80th of last century, in relatively rich period (in Moscow) near the end of Brezhnev time, people paid more attention to their health. Answering this requirement, many healers-psychics [extra-sensory perception experts, paranormalists] appeared. As you know in socialist times demands were satisfied with the priority for working people: Brezhnev himself was the first, then his nearest colleagues… About Information and EnergyThis article is describing information and energy, and their interrelation. First of all, we need clear definitions. Norbert Wiener, establisher of cybernetics, spoke about information in the following way: «Information is neither materia, nor energy, information is information.» It is obvious that he described information as one of the most fundamental grounds of the world. The Creator in my perceptionThe main question for many people, for which they hope to get the answer, is the question of existence or absence of the Creator and related themes. Below is my perception. Glamour and Emptiness of our worldProbably everyone is Russia knows «The Master and Margaret», a novel by M.Bulgakov. But just a few might know that prototype of well-known Woland was Roberto Bartini, whom the author knew and whose works admired. About the TimeThis article is continuation of «Glamour and emptiness of our world», where you could read that time and space has 3 dimensions. What is LoveEach of us has ever thought what love is. From childhood to the lees of life we feel love many times, for short or long periods, vivid or subtle. But very few could exactly describe love, consider criteria which distinguish it from other senses and feelings. Often passion is named love, sometimes mere sex, tenderness or compassion. It shows that in the modern world understanding of what love is, was lost long ago. Often people muddle or mix it with other feelings. About soul organization, choice and spiritual developmentHow is soul organized, how does it make choice? Let’s start from its organization. Soul consists of 5 parts. Being whole, it has 3 parts inside of the body, and 2 — outside. Who Reins the WorldIn early 90th of the last century Latin manuscript named «Testament of the World Ruler» was found in one of secret funds. In the preface, unknown author stated that the text is transferring the content of older document, which was written in the times of Babylon Reign, based on the ancient Egyptian and Persian manuscripts. Content of this document is controversial with majority of established moral considerations and perspectives of society development. This information was meant for the small part of professional politicians of the highest rank. Some problems of modern scienceIn many spheres of life nowadays science has slowed down rates of its development. Also science appeared impotent to solve new arising social problems and problems of individuals. These problems have wide range from ecological to health and childbearing problems. I do not want to go in details, but rather investigate the cause of the problems. Antimatter and perfecting of the soulIt is known that our Universe consists mostly of the matter. Antimatter is very rare to be found, and in miserable amounts. When matter and antimatter meet, annihilation occurs — complete mutual cancellation, followed by huge energy production. Higgs boson and questions of modern physicsAfter collection of huge amount of experimental data at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) by July [2012], physicists announced to the world existence of a new particle — Higgs boson — confirmed. There were many other particles found. Why such a commotion about this one? Security in the modern world: problems and tasksWhat does «security» mean? It is antagonistic to «danger». In our world no absolute security is possible. It is obvious that in the modern world there is danger always present in a certain form or at certain extent, potential or real. What is hidden under the cover of apparentness in mathematics and in the usual world around usIn the everyday life we are surrounded by many apparent things. We are used to them and do not ask: why? Moreover it is not in our nature to argue about things, which we learnt long ago, in our childhood. We take it for granted.
What is HappinessProbably happiness is the most desired thing of all things in the world, regardless of the age, gender and nationality. Let us get into what it is and is it possible to reach happiness. And if we can reach it, then how? Reason to LiveProbably there is no one who does not think what the reason to live is. Many teenagers seek the answer to this question. They either do not find and forget about it; or proceed to seek it becoming adults. Often also do not find and just live as the life flows. How modern people understand the world, roots of this understanding and related problems of lifeThe article is written on the basis of the lecture, which was delivered by the author on January, 25th, 2014 in the Russian Orthodox AcademyIf you look how modern people understand the world, you will notice how miscellaneous it is. Often understanding significantly varies through different countries and regions. E.g. European’s understanding of the world is much different of the Asian’s one. Hindu understands of the world in not the same as for the Chinese people, and Chinese is different from that in Japan despite a lot of similarities between these two countries.
About treacheryProbably treachery is the worst sin of all human deeds. In «The Divine Comedy» by Dante Alighieri, souls of traitors land in the deepest circles of the hell. Heavier the treachery is, deeper is the hell level, where the soul hits, and more frightening are sufferings it experiences. |
Man on the way towards «Cosmic Consciousness» Structure of spiritual Hierarchy in Metasocmos Spirits, soul and consciousness What physicists observed behind the exotic phenomenon Glamour and Emptiness of our world About soul organization, choice and spiritual development Some problems of modern science Antimatter and perfecting of the soul Higgs boson and questions of modern physics Security in the modern world: problems and tasks What is hidden under the cover of apparentness in mathematics and in the usual world around us How modern people understand the world, roots of this understanding and related problems of life |
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